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Cafeteria Titan FAQ
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I believe I have a fix for pin pads that aren't working. This is pin pads only, not barcode scanners. If you have a pin pad that is not working, see the attached document and follow the listed instructions. It might seem complicated, but you can do it. If your pin pads work fine, don't mess with them. We don't want to break working ones by messing with them.


Pin pads don't always work after iPad goes to sleep. I've heard this issue from a couple of people, but have not been able to recreate it. I left an iPad and pin pad plugged in overnight, and the pin pad worked fine the next morning. The solution seems to be to unplug and replug the pin pad. If I can recreate the issue, I can maybe find a better solution.


I can't log into my iPads because I don't have internet. This is still happening at a couple of schools. I've spoken to the network team and it turns out iPads don't jump to new Wi-Fi easily. Please try taking your iPads out to the serving line where they will be used before logging into them. That will give the best chance of them staying connected all day.


If you are standing at a serving line and don't have internet, call the help desk at 77704 or 451-6513. 


Say "I am trying to log into a cafeteria iPad in the serving line at [school] and have no internet. Rob said to ask for someone on the network team to reset this access point."


They don't need much more detail than that unless they ask you for it. I've spoken with the network team, and that should be the fastest way for them to get your internet back up, and they'll be able to see if there are further issues. If you follow these steps and continue to have internet issues, let me know.


TitanPOS shows a white screen when I try to open it. The first step is to press the home button quickly twice to bring up a list of all open apps. Then swipe them with your finger from the bottom of the app to the top of the screen to close them. Then reopen TitanPOS.


If it is still giving you a white screen, then tap the home button to go to the home screen. Tap settings, then Wi-Fi, and make sure SumnerCountySchools shows at the top with a check mark. If it doesn't, select it from the list below. If asked about a certificate, hit Accept or Trust. Then reopen TitanPOS.


If it still doesn't work, tap home, then open Manager. Accept or Allow anything it asks you about. Then hit Device Info at the bottom of the screen. You should see three green checkmarks. Hit the Force Push button at the bottom of the screen. Then reopen TitanPOS.


If it still doesn't work, press and hold the power button on the top left side of your iPad case for a few seconds until the screen changes. Swipe to power off the iPad. Then press and hold the power button again (about 4-5 seconds) to power the iPad back on. Then reopen TitanPOS.


Some employees aren't showing up to ring them up. That means I need to add them manually. If you've already sent some, I'll get to them as soon as I can.


A teacher says they had money in their account last year. This is even more of a mess than the student payments. Their money is not gone, I just have to figure out what belongs to whom and get it manually moved into Titan. It will take a while, but it will get done.


Students aren't showing up. Skyward is still the first place to look for these kids. No preschool students are showing up yet, and I'm looking into that as well.

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